Jegsworks: Free Online Computer Lessons
Computer Basics




This site contains a series of free-to-use-online lessons on computer topics, starting with the basics of what a computer is and what it does (and all those tech words that your nerdy friends throw around). Working through the entire set would give you the same skills and knowledge as a set of college courses.

I started these lessons as homework of my own in online classes on writing web pages. My goal is to make working with a computer and the most common programs as easy as learning to drive a car... and far safer!


Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101

Driver's Ed for the computer:

  • Computer Basics
  • Working with Windows
  • Working with the Web
  • Working with Words (Word)
  • Working with Numbers (Excel)
  • Working with Presentations (PowerPoint)
  • Working with Databases (Access)

The Computer Literacy 101 lessons are intended for newcomers to computers or to the particular programs used, but they contain information that even old-timers can use to polish and refresh their skills and understanding.

Suitable for use in a class or for individual learning.

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~~  1 Cor. 10:31 ...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.   ~~

Last updated: September 23, 2018